Become a sponsor.

Help us achieve 30by30 and promote EDI in Engineering

The Women in Engineering Summit (WES) team is hosting its sixth annual event and we are looking for sponsors to help us fund our hybrid event. Thanks to the support of sponsors like you, over the past 5 years our non-profit organization has reached over 750 engineering students and professionals with solutions to encourage women’s career satisfaction and professional registration, goals in alignment with Engineers Canada 30 by 30 Initiative, which aims to increase the number of newly licensed professional women in Engineering to 30% by 2030.

WES 2023 has an incredible line-up of speakers who will empower underrepresented communities of engineering professionals such as women, indigenous, and LGBTQ+ by addressing unconscious bias, inclusion strategies, career planning, mental wellbeing. Attendees can participate online or in person (Edmonton and Calgary) on June 9th, 2023, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm MDT.

This event would not be possible without the hard work of our volunteers, and your support. As a sponsor, your company will gain visibility as a promoter of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) among students, practicing professionals, the community, potential partners / clients as well as regulators and other stakeholders. You will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and companies who share your values, culture, and voice your position on 30 by 30 and EDI in the workplace.

encouraging women to enter the profession

WES Attendance
Meghana Valupadas, Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve and Ilya Espino de Marotta share their perspectives on women in engineering with University of Alberta engineering students.

Engineer heading Panama Canal Expansion Project brings insights to inaugural Women in Engineering Summit, see whole interview here: Engineer moves mountains, encourages women to enter profession

Aligned with engineers canada

WES Attendance

Our WES founder, Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve as special guest in Global News Edmonton discussing the Women in Engineering Summit (WES)


WES Attendance
856 attendees over the years

During the past 5 years, we have encouraged 856 engineering students and professionals to support women’s career satisfaction in the Engineering practice.

Promoting STEM, EDI and 30 by 30

WES Attendance

Distibution of our attendees over the years by level of education

What our attendees say about wes

Support wes 2023!

sponsorship opportunities WES 202


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10% CTR in Canada and 2% CTR around the world!

Our Professional Followers

With more 800 followers across Canada, our professional network targets primarily engineers supporting 30 by 30 and EDI in the profession!

June 09th, 2023

Hybrid Event!

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