Time is running out

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend this event to network, be part of a community of like minded individuals, and recharge batteries to keep practicing Engineering!

about event

Message from our chairS

Come help us take a step towards realizing the goal of achieving inclusivity, diversity, and fairness by actively educating ourselves about the challenges and barriers faced by the minorities! Attending WES is the perfect way to network, share experiences and implement this understanding to positively influence the dynamics of our workplaces and communities, enriching engineering culture in Canada.



• As an attendee: you will have the opportunity to network and connect with like-minded individuals and companies who share your values, culture, and have a meaningful impact by voicing your position on 30 by 30 and EDI in the workplace.

• As a company: you will gain visibility as a promoter of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) among students, practicing professionals, the community, potential partners / clients as well as regulators and other stakeholders.


June 09th, 2023


Women In Engineering Summit 2023 - Empowering Internationally Trained Professionals (ITPs) to bridge the 30 by 30 Women in Engineering Gap

We are very excited to be hosting the sixth annual Women in Engineering Summit (WES) on Friday June 9th, 2023, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm MDT. You will have the opportunity of attending in person in Edmonton and Calgary, or online.
Martha Vega-Smith
Martha Vega-Smith, P.Eng.See Bio
Andrea Marciales, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Andrea Marciales, M.Sc., P.Eng.See Bio
Representation matters to us!

WES 2023 has an incredible line-up of speakers who will empower underrepresented communities of engineering professionals such as:

• Women, indigenous, and LGBTQIA2S+ by addressing unconscious bias, inclusion strategies, career planning, and mental wellbeing.

• Internationally Trained Professionals (ITPs), who often must navigate a different culture and unwritten rules in the Canadian workplace.

Did you know that Canada welcomes an average of 300,000 immigrants per year?...

  • • This population is diverse in professional background, often with highly educated individuals arriving with masters or doctorate degrees, and others determined to pursue those shortly after arriving.

  • • Among those professionals are engineers, who in some cases must not only learn how to navigate another language, culture, and workplaces unwritten rules, but who also struggle to land jobs, move their careers forward and obtain their professional designation.

  • • Gender based pay inequity often results in women in the household sacrificing their career pursuits, in favor of better paid jobs for their male partners.

The 2023 Women in Engineering Summit will continue to address the challenges all genders and ethnicities face and how proven successful strategies can create a more inclusive workplace. It will also have a flavor for how universities, employers, government agencies, regulators and peers can not only facilitate the transition of ITPs into Canada, but truly embrace their talents and invite them to sit at the table.

This is a great opportunity to positively influence the dynamics of our workplaces and communities, by embracing the contributions of everyone!

Our 2023 Speakers

who is speaking.

8:30 AM - 8:45 AM

Opening remarks:
Zulema Ruiz

Zulema Ruiz
WES 2023 Keynote speaker
President of Engineers Canada
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM

Kathy Baig

COFFEE BREAK: 9:45 am - 10:00 am

Speaker live from Edmonton

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Doug Piquette

Speaker live from Calgary

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve

Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve, M.Eng., P.Eng., PMP, DTM, FEC
30 by 30 Initiative Expert Panel
11:00 AM - 12: 15 pM
Panel Moderator

Martha Vega-Smith

- 30 by 30 Panel -

The 30 by 30 Panel is held every year at WES, Women in Engineering Summit, to keep track of the progression of the 30 by 30 Initiative by Engineers Canada, which is a key strategy of WES. The 30 by 30 Initiative seeks to achieve the goal, by the year 2030, that 30% of newly licensed engineers and geoscientists in Canada will be female. According to the Engineers Canada website, the national number is 20.6 % as of December 31, 2020 (an increase of 2.7% since last year, yahoo!). These panelists represent engineering and geoscience regulators, academia, government and industry.

30 by 30 Panelist


30 by 30 Panelist

Lee Essington

30 by 30 Panelist


30 by 30 Panelist


LUNCH BREAK: 12:15 pm - 01:00 pm
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Expert Panel
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Panel Moderator


Andrea Marciales, M.Sc., P.Eng.

- EDI Panel -

The purpose of the  panel is to discuss moving the needle or promoting progress, on EDI – Equity, Diversity and Inclusion – in STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – within all institutions. Panelists will highlight their experiences with pushing for systemic change, advocating for themselves and others, having tough conversations, and providing their perspective on what the future of engineering looks like amidst current social movements.

EDI Panelist


EDI Panelist


EDI Panelist


EDI Panelist


Break and Networking

Speaker live from Edmonton

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Raymond Matthias

Speaker live from Calgary

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Nicole Hynes

closing and Networking
Online Program

Friday, June 09, 2023

8:00 am - 4:15 pm MST

08:00 AM - 8:30 am: Registration, Networking

8:30 AM - 9:45 am: Welcome and Keynote Adress

Welcome and Keynote Address (Online)
Welcome Remarks
Keynote Speaker

Zulema Ruiz
Opening Remarks

Kathy Baig

Kathy Baig
Empowering Internationally Trained Professional to Bridge the 30 by 30 Initiative Gap

9:45 am - 10:00 am: Coffee Break

10:00 AM - 11: 00 AM Concurrent Educational Sessions

Speaker Live from Edmonton
Speaker Live from Calgary

Doug Piquette
Resilience and Perseverance when Pursuing your Professional Designation and other Lofty Career Goals in Canada

Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve

Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve
How to Humble Brag in your P.Eng. or P.Geo. Application, and at Life, to Get Ahead

11:00 AM - 12: 15 pM 30 by 30 panel

Panelist Live from Edmonton
Panelist Live from Calgary
Cathy Maniego

Cathy Maniego
Government of Alberta

Andre McDonald

Andre McDonald
University of Alberta

Carmen Lee Essington
Carmen Lee Essington
Jennifer Krochak


12:15 pm - 01:00 pm Lunch Break, Visit Sponsors' Booths, Networking

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Panel Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Panelist Live from Edmonton
Panelist Live from Calgary

Megha Sharma
Young Professional

Jill Chelsey

Jill Chelsey
City of Edmonton


Carla Morris
TC Energy

Qiao Sun

Qiao Sun
University of Calgary

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Coffee Break

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Concurrent Educational Sessions

Speaker Live from Edmonton
Speaker Live from Calgary
Raymond Matthias

Raymond Matthias
An Ally’s Perspective on Finding Engineering Jobs, If New in the Canadian Job Market

Sr Workforce Development Specialist

Nicole Hynes
Saying YES – Fighting your Inner Critic to Progress Your Career

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Closing and Networking

event album

Photo Gallery.

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend this event to network, be part of a community of like minded individuals, and recharge batteries to keep practicing Engineering! Book Ticket Now

what they say

our Testimonials.

 testimonial image
 testimonial image
 testimonial image

Cum luna manducare, omnes historiaes magicae fortis, brevis lanistaes. Eheu, nobilis agripeta! Teres, pius animaliss foris imperium de.

Sarah Rose - Our Customers

This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s throughly refresing to get such a personal touch.

Kevin Martin - Our Customers

Pes rusticus brabeuta est. Pol, talis lapsus! Contencio de fidelis palus, transferre brodium! Germanus, varius decors aliquando gratia de.

Jesscia Brown - Our Customers

Do you want to support us? Please find out how: become a WES Sponsor

Our blog posts

News & Articles.

Graham continues their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Journey

In recent years, Graham Construction, one of our WES 2023 Ambassadors, has



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